


Maybe I should start actually doing this thing...

New episode of Welcome to Night Vale out today, and I'm listening to it right now... If you haven't already, you should start listening to it!!! WTNV is a podcast of a radio show for a fake little desert town called Night Vale. It's random and creepy and amazing. I love it so so much.

Anyhoo... Goodnight!

(If a single person even reads this...)

Also, this happened at school today... :) I go to the right damn school, folks.
Whenever I try to get together with someone, either I have something going on, or they do, and it ends up not happening and then I don't see them for months on end, and when I do see them it's awkwardly and accidentally in public, and then we fall out of touch and one of us dies, and the other one doesn't find out until the 50th reunion when it's too late to get together because I'M FREE ON FRIDAY BUT YOU'RE NOT FREE UNTIL SUNDAY DAMMIT
I'm getting a bit impatient to see some people, in case that didn't come right across from the first. I hate missing people. I hate not seeing people. I just need a TARDIS to fly away in, and I can gather up all my loved ones and we can go to see the Broken Moon of the Medusa Cascade and it'll all be lovely and wonderful. But right now it's hot and I'm tired and missing people. Hnnnnnnnnngnngngnggnnnnnnnnn




I'm sorry, a THUNDERSTORM? Just as it starts to get hot?



It's summertime! That means sun and swimming and biking and ice cream.... And finishing up the community service hours I have left for school or they won't give me my final grade report :/

There are only like 6 hours left to do but meeeeeeehhhhh I want to be outside!

In other news, if anyone thinks anything productive is coming out of me on November 23 or 24, they are wildly mistaken. I'm sorry but NEW DOCTOR WHO AND NEW SHERLOCK TAKE PRECEDENCE!!!

Also I feel boring if I don't put a picture into every post so here, have this picture of the woods I like to walk in

I've been watching a lot of Sherlock lately, and am halfway through the Reichenbach Fall... Dreading the end even though I know Sherlock doesn't really die :'(


    is currently probably out fangirling somewhere. Please call again later ^_^


    June 2013

